Where can I donate food?
All of our Victory locations will be accepting donations from 8/23/21 - 9/1/21. If you would like to donate outside of the collection time, check out the bottom of this article to see a list of food banks that would be happy to take your donations.
You can drop your donations off between the hours of 7:00am - 6:00pm at the following addresses:
Victory Auto Service & Glass | Chanhassen
Address: 64 Lake Dr. E, Chanhassen MN 55317
Phone: (952) 358-3535
Victory Auto Service & Glass | Fridley
Address: 1010 Osborne Rd. NE, Fridley MN 55432
Phone: (763) 786-6920
Victory Auto Service & Glass | Ham Lake
Address: 16326 Highway 65, Ham Lake MN 55304
Phone: (763) 780-1002
Victory Auto Service & Glass | Brooklyn Park
Address: 8098 Brooklyn Blvd, Brooklyn Park MN 55445
Phone: (763) 315-0630
Victory Auto Service & Glass | Maplewood
Address: 2128 Rice St, Little Canada MN 55113
Phone: (651) 403-5958
Victory Auto Service & Glass | Wyoming
Address: 5428 260th St, Wyoming MN 55092
Phone: (651) 462-1946
Victory Automotive Service | St. Petersburg
Address: 3001 Dr M.L.K. Jr St N, St. Petersburg FL 33704
Phone: (727) 822-0278
Victory Automotive Service | Eau Claire
Address: 3440 E Hamilton Ave, Eau Claire WI 54701
Phone: (715) 834-8711
Items To donate to a food bank
Have you ever gone through your cupboards or walked the isles of a store wondering what you should choose to donate? Here are some helpful insights into what things are best to donate and what things are not helpful.
What are the best foods to donate to your local food bank:
Food banks accept dry and canned food donations. What does that actually mean? Choose food that is non-perishable or “shelf-stable”. Basically, any food items that you can keep in your pantry and won’t go bad. Make sure you remember to check the “sell-by” date. Check out our list below of the best non-perishable food items to donate.
Peanut butter
Canned soup
Canned fruit
Canned vegetables
Canned tuna
Canned chicken
Canned beans
Pasta Sauce
Spices (Salt, Pepper, Chili Powder, Italian Seasoning, Garlic Powder, Onion Powder, Etc..)
Cooking Oils (Olive Oil, Vegetable Oil, Coconut Oil, Etc..)
Though this list does not cover everything, it does cover many of the items people go through regularly that need to be replenished. When you are ready to prepare your donations and need some ideas, pull this list up. It is also helpful to think about the items you use regularly or staple items in your diet. Chances are that they are a staple in other family's homes as well.
personal care & household items:
Personal care, hygiene, & household items are important items that are often forgotten about. These necessities are a true blessing to many families. It is also important to check the sell by and expiration dates on the personal care items, they surprisingly can go bad too. We’ve put together a list of some of the most common personal care / hygiene & household items that are always needed.
Hand Soap
Dish Soap
Baby Wipes
Shampoo & Conditioner
Body Wash
Feminine Products
All Purpose Cleaner & Disinfectant Cleaner
Toilet Paper
Garbage Bags
Laundry Detergent
Similarly to the list above, a good way to think of what you want to donate is to focus on the items that you use regularly. What are your "go to" items for cleaning or for taking care of you and your family?
Local Food Shelves Near Our Shops
If you are hoping to drop off donations directly to the food shelves or would like to learn more about the food shelves we will be donating to, you can check out this list below!
14700 Martin Drive, Eden Prairie 55344
Open M/T/Th/F 9:30 AM - 1 PM; W 4 PM - 6:30 PM
Closed Saturday & Sunday
People Reaching Out to People (PROP) helps the community by donating time, food, & money to those in need. If you or anyone you know is in need of their services, contact them at 952-937-9120.
Want to volunteer? Visit www.propfood.org/volunteer
627 38th Ave NE, Columbia Heights 55421
Open M/T/Th 8 AM - 4:30 PM; W 10 AM - 6:30 PM
Closed Friday, Saturday & Sunday
Southern Anoka Community Assistance (SACA) Food Shelf helps the community by donating time & food to those in need. They also have a thrift store to purchase gently used or new items. If you or anyone you know is in need of their services, contact them at 763-789-2444.
Want to volunteer? Visit www.sacafoodshelf.org/volunteer
HAM LAKE, MN / NACE Food Shelf
18511 Highway 65, East Bethel 55011
Open M/Th 9 AM - 12 PM; T 5 PM - 8 PM; W 1 PM - 4 PM
Closed Friday, Saturday & Sunday
North Anoka County Emergency (NACE) Food Shelf helps the community by donating time & food to those in need. If you or anyone you know is in need of their services, contact them at 763-434-7685.
Want to volunteer? Visit www.nacefoodshelf.org/volunteer
7051 Brooklyn Boulevard, Brooklyn Park 55429
Open M-F 8 AM - 4:30 PM
Closed Saturday & Sunday
Community Emergency Assistance Programs (CEAP) helps the community by donating time, food, & assistance to those in need. If you or anyone you know is in need of their services, contact them at 763-566-9600.
Want to volunteer? Visit www.ceap.org/get-involved
MAPLEWOOD, MN / Keystone Community Services Rice Street Food Shelf
1459 Rice Street #3, St Paul 55117
Open M/T/Th/F 10 AM - 12 PM, 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM; W 10 AM - 12 PM
Closed Saturday & Sunday
Keystone Community Services helps the community by donating time, food, & assistance to those in need. If you or anyone you know is in need of their services, contact them at 651-487-2792.
Want to volunteer? Visit www.keystoneservices.org/volunteer
WYOMING, MN / Family Pathways Food Shelf
935 Lake Street South, Forest Lake 55025
Open M/T/Th 9 AM - 6 PM; Sa 9 AM - 3 PM
Closed Wednesday, Friday & Sunday
Family Pathways helps the community by donating time, food, & assistance to those in need. If you or anyone you know is in need of their services, contact them at 651-674-8040.
Want to volunteer? Visit www.familypathways.org/volunteer
ST. PETERSBURG, FL / St Petersburg Free Clinic
863 3rd Avenue North, St Petersburg 33701
Open M-W 8:30 AM - 3 PM; Th 8:30 AM - 7 PM
Closed Friday, Saturday & Sunday
St Petersburg Free Clinic helps the community by donating time and food and helping to provide shelter and health care. If you or anyone you know is in need of their assistance, please contact them at 727-821-1200.
Want to volunteer? Visit www.stpetersburgfreeclinic.org/volunteer
EAU CLAIRE, WI / Feed My People Food Bank
2610 Alpine Road, Eau Claire 54703
Open M-Th 8 AM - 4:30 PM; F 8 AM - 4 PM
Closed Saturday & Sunday
Feed My People Food Bank helps fight food insecurity in the community. If you or anyone you know is in need of their assistance, please contact them at 715-835-9415.
Want to volunteer? Visit www.fmpfoodbank.org